Montgomery Community College offers a variety of testing to assess students’ individual needs. Below you will find a breakdown of the tests offered and a brief description.


The HiSET® exam helps adult learners achieve their college and career goals to expand opportunities and changes lives. HiSET preparation classes (high school equivalency) are available to prepare for the HiSET exam. The HiSET® exam gives out-of-school youth and adults the best opportunity to demonstrate their skills and knowledge and earn a state-issued high school equivalency (HSE) credential. When you feel you are ready, you can schedule a test through the HiSET homepage.


The TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is designed to assess a students’ preparedness for entering the health science fields. Questions are designed to test the basic academic skills you will need to perform in class in the areas of: Reading, Math, Science and English and Language Usage.

The TEAS is typically scheduled as needed between February-April. If you are interested, please contact the number above to be placed on a waiting list.


The Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence (RISE) is used to assess a student’s English, Reading and Math readiness and identifies which course or courses best fit a student’s college skill level. There is no fee to take the RISE. The placement can take approximately two to three hours. When you feel you are ready, you can schedule a test through this link.

Testing Schedules

HiSET – Testing days for the HiSET are Tuesdays, Building 100, Room 100B.