Trailblazer to Share Nursing Talents in Her Community
Published on Monday, May 24th, 2021
Madison Bullins knew during her tenure at North Moore High School that a career in healthcare was in her future. Biomedical and health science classes sparked her interest, and a senior year spent in a Certified Nurse Assistant program sealed the deal. By taking health science classes in high school, she could see what the nursing field encompassed, building confidence in her chosen path. She also got her elective courses out of the way early, allowing her to focus on the nursing classes that needed undivided attention.
Bullins just graduated from Montgomery Community College’s Associate Degree in Nursing Program, one of four students in the College’s very first cohort. Montgomery Community College has completed its two-year probation process as part of accreditation, and is gearing up for larger incoming classes starting in fall 2021.

“We were the trailblazers!” says Bullins of her small but distinguished graduating class. “These ladies are some of my very best friends now, we got through this program together under very difficult circumstances.”
Though pandemic precautions shifted Bullins’ curriculum online, she embraced the challenge and excelled. “Nursing school, and especially online nursing school require superior time management skills,” explains Bullins. “While the classes were very difficult, we had a very intimate setting in which to learn. By spring we had four instructors for four students, which is why we were able to finish so strong.”
Bullins has accepted a position on the Medical-Surgical Floor at First Health Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst. In a year or so she will pursue her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at one of North Carolina’s four-year universities. She loves living in Robbins and looks forward to sharing her healthcare talents with clients in her community.
“To all of the young people out there who are considering a career in healthcare, go for it!” says Bullins. “It will be hard, as most worthwhile careers are, but if you dedicate yourself to disciplined study, you will be successful.”