MCC Foundation Golf Tournament Sets Fundraising Record
Published on Wednesday, April 24th, 2024
The MCC Foundation’s 26th Annual Earle A. Connelly Golf Tournament was a huge success, thanks to the event sponsors and the nineteen teams who competed this year. The April 12th event brought in over $20,000, the highest amount yet!
The winner of this year’s tournament was the Colonial LP Gas team, of Troy.
The funds raised from this event are used to support Continuing Education Occupational Scholarships, the Sandra Miller High School Student Assistance fund, the college’s annual MLK Day Challenge, Faculty and Staff Member of the Year Awards, campus Diversity Day, MCC’s popular Summer Camps, Student Government Association Ambassador scholarships and mini-grants for faculty and staff

Tournament Sponsor Michael Hayes (right) shown with four of MCC’s Student Ambassadors.
This year’s corporate sponsors were McRae Industries, Jordan Lumber & Supply and Financial Advisor Michael Hayes with Edward Jones. Tournament sponsors were Wells Fargo Bank, Troy Lumber Company, Colonial Gas LP, Mohawk Industries and Saputo. Friend sponsors were Friendly Chevrolet, H&R Block, Anna Hollers, Myrick Construction and Russell Fuller. Our Contest Sponsor (Hole in One, Longest and Closest to the Pin) was Republic Services. Lunch was sponsored by Mid-South Food Service, our Beverage Cart Sponsors were Gordan & Susan Knowles, with beverages sponsored by Adams Beverages. This year’s Cart Sponsor was Montgomery Motors of Troy. Our Team Sponsors were the Connelly Family, FirstHealth of the Carolinas, Earl Leake, Brady and Joan Dickson, Fidelity Bank, First Bank, Allegion, Kyle Prince, Susan and Tom Eggleston, Seamans Door and Randolph EMC. Hole Sponsors were Morgan Bailey, Wallace Dunn, Lucky Branch Farms, Deke and Jean Abbott, Byrd & Son, Central Lumber and Supply, Capel Rug, the Pierce Group, Pee Dee Electric Membership, Kyle Prince, Jim Bulthuis, Claudia Bulthuis, Sheriff Pete Herron, Katie Dunlap and Strong Forestry, PLLC.