Montgomery Community College is committed to providing full disclosure of all consumer information as required by state and federal laws and regulations. We want the consumers of our programs and services to make fully informed choices regarding the institution they have chosen to attend. The items below include descriptions of services and procedures, as well as sources or links to other information.

General Institutional Information

Accreditation and Approval of Institution and Programs

Montgomery Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate degrees, diplomas and certificates. Contact the SACSCOC at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Montgomery Community College. Inquiries regarding Montgomery Community College’s programs and services should be directed to the College and not to the SACSCOC.

Montgomery Community College is also recognized and/or approved by the following agencies.

  • North  Carolina State Board of Community Colleges
  • North Carolina Community College System
  • North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • North Carolina State Board of Nursing
  • Dental Assisting National Board
  • Council for Standards in Human Service Education
  • Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs

General Complaint / Greivance Process

Montgomery Community College strives to resolve student grievances and complaints in a equitable, orderly, and non-threatening manner. Students have the right to lodge a complaint when they believe there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of an existing college policy. This would include alleged discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, or other personal characteristics. Complaints concerning grades shall be resolved following the Grade Contesting Policy as outlined in the college catalog. Complaints concerning attendance policies and matters of a purely academic nature shall be adjudicated through the office of the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. Complaints concerning residency classification shall be subject to the ruling at the campus level by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. Complaints involving allegations of sexual harassment, due to the sensitive nature of such complaints, should be presented to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services who will then refer the complaint to the appropriate supervisor. For all other issues –

  • 1. Informal Resolution: The student should initially address problems and matters of concern informally with the individual involved prior to resorting to formal procedures. Students are expected to make every effort to resolve any problems as they arise.
  • 2. Formal Resolution: If the complaint is not resolved, the student may submit a written grievance to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services who will refer the grievance to the appropriate supervisor(s). The grievance should be submitted within 5 business days of the attempt at informal resolution. The Vice President or designee will conduct an investigation within 5 business days.
  • 3. Formal Resolution: A student who disagrees with the Vice President’s decision may appeal the decision to the President of the College. This request must be submitted in writing to the President within 5 business days after the Vice President’s decision. The President will conduct an investigation and render a decision within 10 business days. The President’s decision is final on all student grievance appeals except in cases of sexual harassment or discrimination. In those cases, the student may elect to continue the appeal by submitting a written request within 5 business days of the President’s decision to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. The Chairperson will appoint a special committee of 3 Trustees to investigate and make a recommendation to the full Board within 10 business days. The President will administer the recommendation of the Board of Trustees.

If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the college’s grievance process, the individual may file a complaint with Director for Licensure, UNC System Office, 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688; Phone 919-962-4558; Fax 919-962-7139; or email

Distance Learning Complaint Process for Out of State Students

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Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

Montgomery Community College seeks to comply fully with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The College is fully committed to making programs, courses, and services available to all citizens as well as maintaining confidentiality regarding all information and services provided. If students have a special need that may affect academic performance and wish to seek accommodations, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the MCC Counselor at least one month prior to registration so the request may be considered for approval.

To determine eligibility for services, documentation of the disability may be required of all students requesting academic adjustments or auxiliary aids. Documentation may include results of medical, psychological, or emotional diagnostic tests, or other professional evaluations for verification of the need for adjustments or aids. MCC will, where possible, seek assistance from outside agencies (i.e., Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and other organizations).

Appropriate testing accommodations are available upon for students with special needs. Students with learning disabilities must provide documentation and have the documentation evaluated before requests for accommodations will be granted. Applications to request psychological, medical, and other related professional evaluations may be obtained from the MCC Counselor.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The release of personal information pertaining to curriculum students is under the general supervision of the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. To safeguard the welfare of each student, personal information is given only to authorized individuals as specified in the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. The Act provides many safeguards regarding the confidentiality of and access to student records. For more information, consult the MCC Student Handbook.

1. Students may review their educational records by making a written request to the Registrar.
2. Student records will not be reviewed by third parties unless permission is obtained in writing from the student. Exceptions may be made for instructors and administrators if the information is for educational purposes. Exceptions may also be made for parents who claim the students as dependents and for auditing or accrediting organizations. The Vice President of Instruction and Student Services will make the final decision concerning access to records.
3. Official transcripts will be issued only when a written request is received from the student. Transcripts from high schools or other colleges will not be released.
4. MCC does not publish or distribute any personally identifiable information unless mandated by legislative action.

Transfer Credit to MCC

A transfer student is one who has attended another college or university prior to enrolling at MCC. MCC will consider granting transfer credit for course work completed at other colleges or universities accredited by organizations responsible for accrediting degree-granting institutions classified as collegiate. The accrediting organization must be one that is housed in a regional or national accrediting agency. Courses submitted for possible transfer credit must be equivalent in content and, in most cases, credit hours, to the courses required in the student’s program of study at MCC or must be determined to be an appropriate substitution for the MCC course.

Applicants wishing to transfer credit from another accredited institution of higher education must request official transcripts showing credit earned before an evaluation can be made. Only courses with a grade of “C” or higher will be considered for transfer credit. Developmental math (DMA) and developmental Reading/English (DRE) credits from a North Carolina community college will be considered for transfer with a grade of “P.” Decisions about the awarding of transfer credits are discretionary on the part of the college. MCC applies principles recommended by higher education accrediting organizations that focus on the level, content, quality, and comparability of a course and its relevance to the student’s program of study at MCC.

Course credit over ten years old must be approved by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services who may consult with faculty in the subject area to determine equivalency of content with the current requirements in the student’s program of study at MCC. Some courses with a technical or skill content have a five-year time limitation on the acceptance of transfer credit; MCC program heads determine the specific courses in this category. The time limitations include credits earned at MCC as well as credits earned at other post-secondary institutions. Students wishing to appeal a decision involving the denial of transfer credit based on the age of the course may be asked to complete a proficiency examination, when appropriate and available, to receive credit for the course.

For Dental Assisting, Medical Assisting, and Practical Nursing students, Anatomy and Physiology (BIO) credits must have been completed within the last three years prior to enrollment in the program to be considered for credit. For Dental Assisting and Practical Nursing students, the same three-year time limit also applies to the major courses (DEN or NUR).

The College reserves the right to accept or reject credits earned at other institutions or to require the successful completion of appropriate proficiency through the Credit-by-Examination process before awarding credits. The final decision on transfer credit is determined by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services.

Transfer credit does not factor into a student’s curriculum Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation. A student’s GPA for graduation, honors, and continuing enrollment is computed based only on courses taken at MCC. At least 25% of the hours required for a degree, diploma, or certificate from Montgomery Community College must be completed at the College; no more than 75% of those hours may be transferred in from other institutions.


Students who have military experience may be eligible to receive transfer credit for training completed while in the service. To have the credits evaluated, students must request an official Joint Services Transcript (JST) for MCC. MCC grants credit where applicable in accordance with recommendations provided by the American Council on Education (ACE). The credit recommended must be consistent with the requirements of the student’s program of study at MCC in order to be granted. The transferability of the credits is at the discretion of the College.

Comprehensive Articulation Agreement

In an effort to simplify and facilitate transfer of credit between community colleges and the University of North Carolina System, the University’s Board of Governors and the North Carolina Community College System have developed and approved a Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA). This agreement addresses the transfer of students between institutions in the North Carolina Community College System and from that system to constituent institutions of the University of North Carolina. The CAA applies to all North Carolina community colleges and all constituent institutions of the University of North Carolina System. CAA courses are identified in the Course Descriptions section of the College Catalog. Students must earn a grade of C or better for courses to transfer as part of the CAA.

ARTICULATION AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS: Many private colleges and universities also accept courses for transfer credit and have their own means of evaluating the appropriateness of transfer credit. The receiving institution is the final authority regarding transfer credit. Students are advised to consult the Director of Academic Advising and the Admission Office at the senior institution for additional information.

Financial Information

Availability of Instututional and Financial Aid Information

Consumer disclosure information related to financial aid includes the description of all federal, state, local, private, and institutional student financial assistance programs available at MCC; application forms and procedures; student eligibility requirements and the criteria for the selection of recipients; and the criteria for determining the award amount. The college must also describe the students’ rights and responsibilities to include the criteria for continued student eligibility; satisfactory academic progress standards and the methods to re-establish eligibility if necessary; and disbursement information.

For more information about financial aid at Montgomery Community College, visit the MCC Financial Aid website.

Disbursement of Financial Aid Funds for Books and Supplies

Financial aid funds remaining after a student’s tuition and fees have been paid may be used at the MCC bookstore to purchase books and supplies. There is no requirement that purchases be made through the college’s bookstore, however, there is no way to access available financial aid funds for purchases made outside the bookstore. If the student prefers to purchase books elsewhere, the student is responsible for paying for those purchases out-of-pocket.

Students using financial aid funds to purchase books at the MCC Bookstore may begin charging books to their financial aid account no more than 10 days prior to the beginning of the term. Book purchases may continue up to the census date of the term. Specific begin and end dates for purchases are available from the MCC Financial Aid Office each term.

Cost of Attendance

Students cannot receive federal or state funding that exceeds the Cost of Attendance (COA). COA components include tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, personal/miscellaneous expenses, and transportation.

2022-2025 Need Analysis Cost of Attendance (COA) Listing

 Books/Supplies        2611
            Total COA     $15,425     
In-State/Independent       Tuition/Fees2537
  Total COA$19,411
    Total COA$21,569
Out-of-State/Independent    Tuition/Fees8681
    Total COA$25,555
Child Care Budget:  Add $4,000 per child for Independent Students.

Voter Registration

Montgomery Community College strives to provide opportunities for students to become involved in local, regional, state, and national elections through the voter registration process. Voter registration forms are available in the Student Services office and online at Voter registration information and reminders are provided through email and the College’s campus newsletter.

Consumer Information Links

Educational Programs of Study


Financial Aid

Instructional Facilities

Student Diversity

Textbook Information

Tuition & Fees