The organization shall be known as the MCC Dental Assisting Club. Active membership in this organization is voluntary and shall be open to full and/or part-time students registered in the Dental Assisting curriculum and to MCC employees. Membership in the club shall be open to every race, creed, color, national origin, sex or handicap. Membership may be open to Dentists and Dental Associations from the local area and surrounding counties.

Dues for Club members are $10.00 per semester and are due within 14 academic days of the first meeting of each term. Officers for the Club will be elected by members at the first meeting each academic year.

The goals and objectives of the Dental Assisting Club are:

  1. Promote extracurricular educational opportunities and activities for club members.
  2. Provide opportunities for post-classroom fellowship among the members during both formal and informal dental assisting-related activities.
  3. Provide an organization that can offer and provides its available resources for community service in the area of Dental Assisting.
  4. As a member of the Dental Assisting Club, one must uphold the honor and high principles of the profession. If the honor code is broken, officers of the club may take disciplinary actions on behalf of the club.


Shannon Thomason

Shannon Thomason

Dental Sciences Program Director
