While enrolled at MCC, you will be assigned a faculty member who teaches in your selected program area who will serve as your academic advisor.
Your academic advisor will be your primary source of contact concerning academic and extracurricular activities. Your advisor can answer questions about your program and will help you determine your class schedule each term.
Advising Chart
Academic Advisors are assigned based on your program of study. You may refer to the chart below for a list of program Advisors. If you have any questions, please contact Admissions Counselor, Jessica Hurley, at (910) 898-9617, or by e-mail at hurleyj1472@montgomery.edu.
University Transfer Advising Chart
University Transfer Advising Chart
Program | Advisor | Contact |
Associate in Arts (Last name A-D) | Sam Britt | britts4095@montgomery.edu |
Associate in Arts (Last name E-J) | Ann Marie Fortune | fortunea2634@montgomery.edu |
Associate in Arts (Last name K-Q) | ||
Associate in Arts (Last name R-T) | Natalie Winfree | winfreen4094@montgomery.edu |
Associate in Arts (Last name U-Z) | Debby Douglas | douglasd6994@montgomery.edu |
Associate in Science (Last name A-G) | Warren Colavito | colavitow2510@montgomery.edu |
Associate in Science (Last name H-L) | Rebekah Bunting | buntingr7497@montgomery.edu |
Associate in Science (Last name M-R) | Warren Colavito | colavitow2510@montgomery.edu |
Associate in Science (Last name S-Z) | ||
Associate in Engineering (Last name A-M) | ||
Associate in Engineering (Last name N-Z) | Warren Colavito | colavitow2510@montgomery.edu |
Computer Information Technology | Stephanie Weishner | weishners2525@montgomery.edu |
Associate in Fine Arts – Music | Sam Britt | britts4095@montgomery.edu |
Associate in General Education & Special Credit Apps. | Debby Douglas | douglasd6994@montgomery.edu |
AA Teacher Preparation & AS Teacher Preparation | Natalie Winfree | winfreen4094@montgomery.edu |
CTE Programs Advising Chart
CTE Programs Advising Chart
Program | Advisor | Contact |
AC/Heating/Refrigeration | Edwin Hinson | hinsone7020@montgomery.edu |
Associate Degree Nursing | Wendy Vaughn | vaughnw6426@montgomery.edu |
Automotive Systems Tech | Taylor Wolfe | wolfet6436@montgomery.edu |
BLET | Jeff Dorsett | dorsettj1175@montgomery.edu |
Business Administration | Mike Collins | collinsj5911@montgomery.edu |
Hunting & Shooting | Mike Collins | collinsj5911@montgomery.edu |
Criminal Justice | Tracey Wyrick | wyrickt4721@montgomery.edu |
Culinary Arts | Francisco Cortes | cortesf8822@montgomery.edu |
Dental Assisting | Shannon Thomason | thomasons0330@montgomery.edu |
Early Childhood | Amy Frieary | friearya2564@montgomery.edu |
Electrical Systems | Art Furr | furra5722@montgomery.edu |
Facility Maintenance | Tracey Wyrick | wyrickt4721@montgomery.edu |
Forest Management | Tracey Wyrick | wyrickt4721@montgomery.edu |
Gunsmithing | Mark Dye | dyem9785@montgomery.edu |
Human Services | Amy Frieary | friearya2564@montgomery.edu |
Hunting & Shooting Sports Mgt. | Mike Collins | collinsj5911@montgomery.edu |
HST: Devel Disabilities | Amy Frieary | friearya2564@montgomery.edu |
Information Technology | Stephanie Weishner | weishners2525@montgomery.edu |
Industrial Systems Tech | Art Furr | furra5722@montgomery.edu |
Medical Assisting | Amanda Beaman | beamana5823@montgomery.edu |
Medical Office Admin | Wendy Vaughn | vaughnw6426@montgomery.edu |
Nurse Aid | Wendy Vaughn | vaughnw6426@montgomery.edu |
Office Administration | Mike Collins | collinsj5911@montgomery.edu |
Phlebotomy | Amanda Beaman | beamana5823@montgomery.edu |
Practical Nursing | Wendy Vaughn | vaughnw6426@montgomery.edu |
Sustainable Agriculture | Kim Johnson | johnsonk4538@montgomery.edu |
Taxidermy | Jordan St. Onge | stongej2110@montgomery.edu |
Welding | Michael Holder | holderm2508@montgomery.edu |
Applicants to Allied Health Programs Advising Chart
CTE Programs Advising Chart
Program | Advisor | Contact |
Dental Assisting | Lori McAllister | mcallisterl6531@montgomery.edu |
Medical Assisting | Amanda Beaman | beamana5823@montgomery.edu |
PN Hopefuls (Last Name A-M) | Joleen Moore | moorej9990@montgomery.edu |
PN Hopefuls (Last Name N-Z) | Carolyn Saunders | saundersc4137@montgomery.edu |
ADN Hopefuls (Last Name A-F) | Pam Raffaldt | raffaldtp7776@montgomery.edu |
ADN Hopefuls (Last Name A-F) | Wendy Vaughn | vaughnw6426@montgomery.edu |
ADN Hopefuls (Last Name P-Z) | Wendy Grissom | grissomw5883@montgomery.edu |