As a way of introduction to MCC and student life, students are encouraged to attend a general orientation.

Stay tuned:  MCC is in the process of creating an updated version of our New Student Orientation!

Continue below with an online orientation.

Get Started

Student Type

Please select one of the following that best describes you.

First Time College Student

Welcome to Montgomery Community College.

Thank you for choosing Montgomery Community College (MCC) as the place at which to continue your education. Whether you are pursuing a degree, diploma, or a certificate or upgrading current workforce skills, we are ready to assist you in achieving your educational goals. We extend a most hearty “welcome” to you. We know that you will be an asset to the college and that you will find courses, programs, and services that will be of value to you. We are happy to be a part of your successes! This online Student Orientation is designed to welcome you to MCC and to provide you with valuable information that will assist you as you pursue your educational goals. Hopefully, you have completed the admissions process including:

1. Completing an Application for Admission.
2. Requesting an official copy of your high school/high school equivalency (GED®) transcript for the Admissions Office.
3. Requesting official transcripts from all other colleges or universities attended. These transcripts can be evaluated for possible transfer credits. (Official transcripts are mailed directly from the high school, college, university or other institution to MCC.)
4. Completing the NCDAP assessment inventory as required by your program of study.

Visiting / Non-degree Seeking

Welcome to Montgomery Community College.

Curriculum students who are enrolled for course credit but have no plans to complete a certificate, diploma, or degree at MCC (including visiting students who are actively pursuing a degree at another college) can register as a Special Credit student. Students with Special Credit status are NOT ELIGIBLE for financial aid or veterans’ benefits.

Special Credit students must meet course prerequisites and/or co-requisites and present documentation showing previous coursework or successful placement test scores if applicable. Special Credit students meet with a special credit advisor at the time of registration.

Returning MCC Student

Welcome back to Montgomery Community College.

Students who have been enrolled in a curriculum program of study at MCC in the past, but have not been enrolled within the last year, must be readmitted to the college. Such students must complete an updated application for admission and meet all admission criteria based on their new program of study.

Readmitted students must meet the degree requirements in the current catalog under which they are readmitted. The transcripts of students who are readmitted to a program of study different from what they were enrolled in when they attended previously will be evaluated by the Enrollment Office for possible transfer of credits.

Special Populations

Please select any of the following that describes you.

Current High School Student / Career & College Promise

Welcome to Montgomery Community College.

The Career & College Promise (CCP) program offers motivated North Carolina high school students a clear, focused, and affordable path to future success, allowing them to get a head start on their career and college preparation.

Through CCP “pathways,” qualified high school juniors and seniors have the opportunity to enroll tuition-free in community college courses that lead to a certificate, diploma, or degree as well as provide entry-level job skills. Academic credits earned will enable students who continue into postsecondary education after high school graduation to complete a postsecondary credential in less time than would normally be required.

Enrollment in the CCP program is available to North Carolina public, private, and home-schooled high school students meeting the criteria established by the North Carolina Community College System and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Online / Distance Learning Student

Welcome to Montgomery Community College.

Montgomery Community College students can incorporate online courses into their program of study. Some programs offer their entire degree online; others provide online courses but require in-person course work as well. Check your program’s homepage for more information about specific degree requirements.

Online courses offer the busy student several advantages:


Online students don’t commute to a physical classroom. Instead, they work inside a course management system to complete assignments and interact with instructors and classmates. There are due dates for course work, but students can login to the course management system at their convenience.

Excellent instructors

All our courses are taught by highly-qualified instructors, known for their academic achievements and the practice of their disciplines. Online courses allow the College to expand our faculty pool beyond the Montgomery County area, offering students the chance to work with excellent instructors from a much wider area.

High levels of interaction

Online students communicate with their instructors and classmates through discussion boards, group assignments, and the occasional live online event. While online courses offer many advantages, students should consider the following before registering for their first online course.

Time commitment

Online courses are NOT an easy alternative to traditionally taught courses. Our online courses are typically NOT self-paced and students are expected to complete course readings, group projects, and assignments by their scheduled due dates. Most instructors require their students to log in and participate in the online forum at least 2-3 times a week. Online attendance is marked by active participation and lack of participation can result in being dropped from the course.

Technical Information

The College provides an online student orientation to train students on specific technologies used in online courses. However, students should have a reasonable knowledge of basic personal computing before they take an online course. Specifically, students should be able to:
• Navigate a web browser
• Compose and format documents in commonly used software programs
• Upload and download files
• Work within a file/folder structure on their computer
• Have access to a high speed internet connection

Hardware/Software Requirements

Online students should be aware of the hardware and software requirements for their online courses. Students should contact their advisor about their course requirements prior to registration.

Distance Learning with Blackboard

The bulk of your online course experience will happen within a course management system call Blackboard. This web-based software includes areas for you to read and view course content, communicate with your instructor and classmates on the discussion board, upload and download course assignments, take online exams and quizzes, and monitor your grades.

Support /Orientation for Distance Learning Courses

Students enrolled in online courses must complete a mandatory enrollment / orientation assignment requirement by the census (10%) date to prevent being dropped from their course. These requirements are included in with the course syllabus and posted on Blackboard.

24/7 assistance is available by calling 855-588-2930 or submitting a ticket through the MCC Blackboard Help Desk.
Finding and Registering for Online Courses

Registration for distance learning courses follows the same procedures as traditional classes. Each distance learning course is equivalent to the on-campus section(s) of the same course in terms of objectives, contact, rigor, and transferability. Distance learning courses are also approved for financial aid. Students interested in enrolling in online courses must (1) be computer literate; (2) have access to a computer regularly and continuously; and (3) have access to the Internet regularly and continuously. In some online courses, students may be required to have specific software. Students should discuss these course requirements with their advisor to ensure their success.

To register for an online course, students follow the same policy as registering for a face-to-face course. 

Non-Citizen Student

Thank you for visiting us at Montgomery Community College.

Montgomery Community College is NOT authorized to issue I-20 documents and as such, we regret that we cannot be a destination institution for international students wishing to come to the U.S. for purposes of continuing their education. Also, Montgomery Community College is NOT authorized to admit students who are in the U.S. on a F, M or J visa.

Non-citizens who have been given Permanent Resident status are considered the same as citizens for enrollment and financial aid purposes. The College is also allowed to enroll some non-citizen students who are not Permanent Residents who are visiting the U.S., depending on the type of visa they hold. In addition to admissions procedures, international students must meet with Enrollment Coordinator prior to enrolling in order to document their legal status. Any non-U.S. citizen who applies for admission to the College must submit certified transcripts of all secondary and college coursework with notarized English translation. College transcripts from countries other than the United States must be translated and evaluated by an independent company that provides such services to international students. Otherwise, no college credit may be given. For contact information for such companies, please see someone in the Enrollment Office.

Undocumented students

Based on policies and procedures outlined in the North Carolina Administrative Code (23 NCAC 02C .0301), MCC DOES allow the admission of students who do not have the necessary documentation to prove United States citizenship under the following conditions:

    The student must be a graduate of a U.S. public high school, private high school, or home school that operates in compliance with state or local law. A GED is not acceptable.
    The student will be classified as an out-of-state resident and must pay out-of-state tuition.
    The student may not displace a North Carolina or U.S. citizen.

Student with Special Needs

Welcome to Montgomery Community College.

MCC seeks to comply fully with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The College is fully committed to making programs, courses, and services available to all citizens as well as maintaining confidentiality regarding all information and services provided. If students have a special need that may affect academic performance and seek accommodations, it is their responsibility to inform the Counselor as soon as possible. It is important to request accommodations in a timely manner (at least one month prior to registration) in order that the request may be considered and approved by the Vice President of Student Services.

To determine the eligibility for services, documentation of disability may be required of all students requesting academic adjustments or auxiliary aids. Documentation may include results of medical, psychological, or emotional diagnostic tests, or other professional evaluations for verification of the need for adjustments or aids. MCC will, where possible, seek assistance from outside agencies (i.e., Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and other organizations).

Appropriate testing accommodations are available upon request for students with special needs. Students with learning disabilities must provide documentation and have the documentation evaluated before requests for accommodations will be granted. Applications to request psychological, medical and other related professional evaluations may be obtained from the counselor who is located in the Counseling and Career Development Center in Blair Hall (Building 100), or by calling (910) 898-9619.

Student Information

Student ID Cards

As an MCC student, you should carry your student identification card with you at all times while on campus. This card, which includes your student ID number, will allow you access to a variety of student resources and services such as checking out library books, accessing your MCC email account, and participation in MCC activities. Additionally, students may be asked to show their identification card at random. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action or the person being asked to leave campus. Cards are issued during registration and are printed in the Student Services department in Building 100. ID cards may be obtained by presenting your official registration form to the Student Services personnel at the Information Desk.

Online students who do not plan to visit campus to utilize campus resources (parking, library, computer labs, student union, etc.,) are not required to obtain a student ID; however, online students planning to visit campus for any reason are encouraged to obtain a student ID, regardless of the reason or duration of your visit.

Educational Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that gives students the right to access, inspect, review, and amend their educational records. FERPA also restricts the College’s ability to share information from student records without written permission of the student except under specifically allowed exceptions such as release to a college official with a legitimate educational interest, when the information is classified as directory information, to a governmental agency, to the courts, and in the event of a health or safety emergency where release of such information is required to solve or assist the emergency. A full description of FERPA can be found in the College catalog. Inquiries regarding FERPA should be directed to the Vice President of Student Services.

Tuition and Fees Payment

All tuition and fees are paid through MCC’s Business Office and are due at registration. The College accepts checks, VISA, and MasterCard for payment of student charges. Students who are being sponsored by outside agencies should contact Business Office prior to registration day. Students receiving financial aid should visit the Financial Aid office to have their charges deferred to the appropriate account. The College also offers a deferred payment plan for tuition and fees (NBS) that students may access through the E-Cashier section on the Montgomery Community College website ( Tuition and fees may also be paid in full online through Self-Service.

Tuition and fees are set by the NC Legislature and the local Board of Trustees. Some programs of study have fees that apply only to students in those programs. Refund policies are set by the state. 100% refunds are available before the first day of classes. 75% refunds are available from the first day of classes through the 10% point in the semester. After the 10% point, no refunds are possible.

Academic Policies and Procedures

Satisfactory academic progress is measured by a semester and cumulative grade-point-average (GPA). A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required to remain in good academic standing with the College and to graduate at program completion. 

Full descriptions for the policies and procedures concerning Academic Dishonesty, Grade Appeals and Academic Forgiveness can be found in the College Catalog. Please be careful to follow the policy as described. You want your appeal evaluated on the merits of your case, not dismissed because you did not follow the procedure or waited too long.

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes for which they are registered. Although special circumstances may cause a student to be absent, regular attendance is essential to satisfy regular course objectives. This is also true for the online student. Online classes have required log-in and activity dates and deadlines. Students should contact the instructor if an absence is expected or online participation cannot be met. Students who are not able to give the instructor a prior notice should expect to explain the absence upon return to class.

All work missed during absences must be made up. Failure to make up work which is missed will adversely affect the student’s final grade for the course. To receive credit for a course, a student must attend 80% of class and 80% of lab hours. When absences total more than 20% of the total contact hours for the course, a student will be dropped from a class. If extenuating circumstances exist, the student may submit an appeal and request readmission to the class. The Vice President of Instruction will review the appeal and make the final determination concerning readmission.

When students are absent from class excessively, the instructor should initiate follow-up procedures by (1) contacting the student, and (2) notifying Student Services prior to the student missing 20% of the class. Additionally, instructors must notify Student Services in writing (Unofficial Drop Form) when dropping a student from their class.

On Campus and Online

Students can early-register or register for classes in person with their academic advisor. Check your advisor’s office schedule posted at their office for a mutually convenient date and time.

Students can also register online through Self-Service. Online registration and payment of tuition and fees are available to curriculum students through Self-Service. Additionally, from any computer with Internet access, you can check course grades, view and print your class schedule, and view and print an unofficial transcript on Self-Service. Students must communicate with their academic advisor prior to registering for classes online.

Registration for classes is not complete until tuition and fees are paid. However, if you have any amount of awarded financial aid, that aid will hold your classes and should you fail to attend, the College and State of NC will hold you liable for payment of tuition and fees.

Student E-mail

After you are enrolled at MCC, you will be assigned a student e-mail address. All e-mail correspondence will be sent to your MCC Trailmail (student e-mail) address and students are encouraged to check their e-mail regularly. 

If your name is John Smith and your student ID # is 654321, then your username will be as follows: Last name, first initial of your first name, last four digits of your Student ID number. Example: smithj4321. (Your student ID can be found on the following: your official registration form, your course schedule, your letter from student services, or your student ID card.)

The staff in the MCC Library is available to assist you. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact them in person in Capel Hall (Building 200), by phone at 910-898-9645.


Textbooks may be purchased through our virtual bookstore. To access the bookstore, go to and click on the bookstore link on the bottom of our webpage.

Pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, the College is required to share required textbook information with students at the time they register for classes. This information includes the ISBN number and retail price. If the ISBN number is not available, the College must provide the author, title, publisher, and copyright date. This information can be found on the College Online Bookstore. Such information enables students to purchase books at other locations if they wish.

College Library

The mission of the Montgomery Community College Library is to provide access to information in a variety of formats and to serve as an integral part of the College’s teaching, learning, research, and service to traditional and distance learning students, faculty, staff, and community in direct support of the mission of the College.

The Library at Montgomery Community College and has over 20,000 books and subscriptions to current periodicals with back issues held for three years. Online resources are also available and can be found on the Library homepage. The Library is located in Capel Hall with professional staff available to assist you with your needs.

The library has 16 student computers and three public computers with high-speed internet access and general use software. Patrons are expected to abide by the MCC Internet Acceptable use Guidelines. Students may print free of charge to the library printer for course-related work. Non-students are expected to pay ten cents per side printed.

Campus Parking and Safety

All MCC students who drive on campus should receive a parking permit during the registration process. Your permit should be placed at the bottom left of the back windshield of your vehicle (bottom left as seen from sitting in the driver’s seat). Stop by the Information Desk in Student Services
(Building 100) to request your permit.

Students should use designated student parking lots. Special areas are designated for handicapped students and should not be used unless you have the proper legal identification on your vehicle. Vehicles that are parked improperly will be ticketed by local law enforcement and may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Students with safety concerns should contact the College Information Desk for assistance.

The College also has an emergency alert notification system Blackboard Connect 5 for making everyone on campus aware of safety concerns of any kind. Students can sign up to receive emergency alert text messages or telephone calls (no charge but message and data rates may apply). Click here to sign up for emergency alert notifications.

Required by the federal Clery Act, campus and neighborhood crime statistics, safety procedures, drug and alcohol policies, and emergency signals and procedures are available on the College website and in the College Catalog.

Discipline Poilicies and Procedures

Whatever your educational goals are, Montgomery Community College is committed to providing quality instruction, resources, and services to all MCC students. The administration of MCC prefers to emphasize the importance of guidance, admonition and example in promoting acceptable conduct. When these fail, procedures outlined in the Student Code, is found in the Student Handbook, shall be followed.

All students and staff have the right to a safe, peaceful, and honest educational environment. Therefore, when in the judgment of college officials, a student’s conduct disrupts or threatens to disrupt the college community, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to restore and protect the safety, peace, and integrity of the community. A full description of College disciplinary and due process procedures can be found in the Student Handbook.

Social Media

The best way to stay informed about activities, programs, and special announcements is by social media. MCC’s Facebook page and Twitter feeds keep you current with what’s happening on campus. Some programs have their own social media sites with specific information related to your program. Alumni use Facebook to keep in touch, and learn about opportunities in the employment arena. It pays to stay connected!

The student newsletter, Yourspace, is a great way to stay on top of what’s going on on campus. Yourspace is distributed across campus, via e-mail, and on the website weekly during the regular semester, and bi-weekly during the summer term. Yourspace is filled with news and information that can help you navigate the academic year successfully. Click here to view the current issue of Yourspace.

Follow MCC on Instagram

Like MCC on Facebook

Student Clubs and Activities / Student Government

Students at Montgomery Community College have a voice on campus through our Student Government Association. The SGA is comprised of representatives selected from each of our curriculum programs and meetings are open to all students. Also, follow SGA on Facebook. Through our curriculum programs, MCC also offers other student organizations.

THE CLUBS ARE:               

Alpha Beta Chi (Early Childhood) Club

The organization shall be known as the MCC Alpha Beta Chi Club (Early Childhood Club). Active membership in Alpha Beta ...

Beta Xi Omicron Club (Phi Theta Kappa)

The name of the Montgomery Community College chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall be Beta Xi Omicron. The purpose of ...

Criminal Justice Club

The organization shall be known as the MCC Criminal Justice Club. Active membership in this organization is voluntary and shall ...

Dental Assisting Club

The organization shall be known as the MCC Dental Assisting Club. Active membership in this organization is voluntary and shall ...

Forestry Club

The organization shall be known as the MCC Forestry Club. Membership is open to full and/or part-time students and employees ...

Gunsmithing Society

The organization shall be known as the MCC Gunsmithing Society. Membership is voluntary and shall consist of full and or ...

Human Services Club

The organization shall be known as the MCC Human Services Club. Active membership in this organization is voluntary and shall ...

Medical Assisting Club

The organization shall be known as the MCC Medical Assisting Club. Membership is voluntary and shall be open to all ...

Phi Beta Lambda

The organization shall be known as Phi Beta Lambda. Membership is voluntary and shall consist of full and or part-time ...

Practical Nursing Club

The organization shall be known as the MCC Practical Nursing Club. Membership is open to full and part-time students and ...

SGA Constitution

Table of Contents Name and Membership Objectives Articles Executive Board Officers Nominations for Officers Election of Officers Limitations of and ...

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors are an honorary group of students who participate in public relations activities for the College. They provide a ...

Got Questions?

Two great sources of information are the College Catalog and Student Handbook.

Academic Advisor – Curriculum academic advisors are the best resource for instructional policy and procedure

information and questions. Your advisors are full time faculty members in your chosen program of study.

Student Services – For general College policies and procedures questions related to your MCC experience,

Student Services is a great source of information.

Financial Aid – Financial Aid rules and policies are always changing. For all questions related to financial

aid, please contact the financial aid staff.

Other Services

Career Counseling

Tutorial Services

College Success

Thank you again for choosing Montgomery Community College to assist you as your pursue your personal and educational goals. We look forward to working with you and hope that you take advantage of the resources available to you.

We hope this online student orientation has been helpful as you begin the college experience with us!